Changes are highlighted.
- Renderer:
- Programming interface: updated
- Documentation: ongoing
- Camera function (formerly perspective projection and zoom): done
- Gamma Correction: done
- Update rotation algorithm: to-do
- Lighting: ongoing, Blinn-Phong model, Gaussian model done, adding more algorithms
- Texturing: to-do, basic functionality due 25/8
- HDRR: to-do, due 15/8
- Shadow: to-do, due 20/8
- Game Logic:
- Main loop: done, for now
- Mouse movement and key detection: done, for now
- Key mapper: to-do, due 23/8
- Network:
- Everything: currently not on schedule
- Modelling:
- Simple Wavefront .obj loader: updated
- Simple material property loader: to-do
- Everything else: to-do
- Physics:
- Everything: currently not on schedule
- Sound:
- Everything: currently not on schedule
- Optimisation:
- Everything: currently not on schedule
- Debug:
- For all components: never ends
Lighting did not work properly. It turns out, when I import normals from the Wavefront .obj file, I forgot to append a 0.0 (the w component) to the normals. So, complying with the GLSL specification, the compiler appends a 1.0 to the normals, turning them into positions instead of directions. That's why the computations all go wrong. After updating the Wavefront .obj file loading code, the normals turn back to directions, and the resulting rendering is pretty.
In the above screen shot, Gaussian specular model (a quite expensive one) is in action. Shading for the capsule is not good (look at the abrupt brightness changes and rough edges), not because the shading algorithm is bad, but because the mesh data is badly constructed. The cylinder on the left looks perfect. That is the power of more than 500 triangles.
Texturing has been postponed, again. As I don't have any texture by now, there is no incentive. Even if I have done it, there is no way to debug and ensure functionalities. Anyway, with shaders, we can achieve lots of wanders, even without textures. So I will focus on lighting computation in the not-so-distant future.
For HDRR to work, frame buffer, which is what I'm studying, is required. Once the mechanics is clear, implementing it should not be very hard. Moreover, with frame buffer, many post-rendering effect and in-engine (I won't call it in-game for now) screen shot could be achieved.
IELTS is coming; therefore working progress of early August will be very slow, if not totally halted.